From Word to Word Translations

... gets your message across

Christian Translator

   Ute de Vries

Mother - Volunteer - Entrepreneur

A large family - Being involved in my church - And, since 2017 a business of my own!

As a Freelancer, I enjoy being able to combine my work with my family and my other interests!

As a Translator, I like to work in close contact with the writer. So you can be sure that your message gets across! 


Why do I call the Christian Faith my specialism?

Are you a doctor and do you write about medical issues? - Then you are looking for a medical translator!

Are you an engineer and do you write about technical things? - Then you are looking for a translator with technical knowledge!

Are you a Christian and do you want to share your faith by what you write?  - Then you are looking for a translator who does not only understand the way you speak but who shares your faith and who supports your message - The Good News - with heart and soul!

  • My personal faith
  • Many years of experience as an interpreter for church services and Christian conferences
  • Several years of experience as a translator for Christian books and study material

-> I can proudly say that the Christian Faith is the field of expertise that has my passion and in which I excel!



My interests and skills are not limited to Faith alone. I am equally happy to translate texts on other subjects. My experience ranges from business letters, CVs, contracts and publicity material, such as websites and flyers, to articles on creativity, drawing/painting, environment, economy, health issues and carrier coaching.


Read here about my services, specialisms, prices/rates, and how to request an offer!


Some of my most interesting projects: 

Since the beginning of 2020, I have gained a lot of experience in subtitling sermons, Bible studies, news reports and documentaries for TV broadcasts and educational programs. 

Book: Profetisch Schilderen → Prophetisches Malen, Marion de Jong (Dutch – German) Prophetic Painting

Book: Laat Creativiteit Stromen → Lasse die Kreativität strömen, Marion de Jong (Dutch – German) Let Creativity flow

Teaching material: Seminar: Goddelijke Genezing → Divine Healing, Bas Rijksen (Dutch – English)

Teaching material: Training series of: Foundation ‘Living In Your Destiny’ (Dutch – English)

Inzicht in de Geestelijke Wereld → Insight into the Spiritual World, Marie Thérèse Van

Leiderschaps Training School → Training: Leadership Training School

Teaching material: Dutch Art Academy (English – German)

Foundations of Drawing → Grundlagen des Zeichnens, Marion de Jong

European Economic Summit Declaration, Arleen Westerhof (English – German) Biblical Principles for Economy

Book: Biblical Femininity → Und Gott schuf sie als Frau…, Chrystie Cole (English – German)

E-Books: Truth for Today, Bible Commentary → Wahrheit für heute, Bibelkommentar (English – German):

Galatians → Galaterbrief, John (Jack) T. McKinney

1+2 Thessalonians → 1. + 2. Thessalonicher, Earl D. Edwards

Mark 1+2 → Markusevangelium, Teil 1+2, Martel Pace

Texts for App: Beroepskeuze App: Beschrijvingen 132 beroepen → Berufswahl App: Beschreibungen von 132 Berufen, JobO (Dutch – German) App for occupational choice

Teaching material: Video Transcripts of ‘Charis Bible College’, 8 lessons per series (English – Dutch)

Organizational Mastery → Meesterschap in organisaties, Billy Epperhart

Conflict Resolution → Conflicten oplossen, Carrie Pickett

Leadership development → Leiderschapsontwikkeling, Carrie Pickett

Relationship with God I → Relatie met God I, Andrew Wommack

Goal of the Cross → Het doel van het kruis, Carrie Pickett

and more...